

Come and visit us in the oil mill

Book a tasting and guided tour of the oil mill. Read More

uliveto lago trasimeno Oleificio Pozzuolese 1


In the hills of Trasimeno, in the green Umbria

The place where our olives are grown and our oil is produced


100% of the energy we use comes from renewable sources

Find out here our quality certificates


Since 1969 the members of the our oil mill have been committed with passion to the enhancement of the area’s olive oil


Thanks to adequate systems and modern machinery, the company adopts a continuous improvement of quality


The experience of the producers contributes to the production of a high quality oil, always maintaining traditions

Olio DOP Umbria Colli del Trasimeno
- Olio del Duca -

Our PDO Umbrian EVO OIL
from ancient traditions

Paying homage to Ascanio della Corgna one of the most influential characters of the medieval period.

Oil derived from the olive trees that surround the historic Castle of Castiglione del Lago, Harvested in the veraison phase that characterize it for its light green color and the net fruity aroma of olive; light, fresh and lively with exquisite sensations of light and spicy bitterness.

It is made sweeter by the climate of the area mitigated by the waters of Lake Trasimeno and by the Agogia, a cultivar that marries Frantoio, Leccino and Moraiolo.

Our Organic
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

100% Italian Organic

Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil Selection

From the Trasimeno Hills in Umbria we ship directly to you.

It's all about High Quality and Knowledge of EVO Oil Production

What our customers and visitors say about us

Pietro Brigatti
Pietro Brigatti
25 Marzo 2024
Da due anni che compriamo questo olio è molto delicato e buono
Chris Crowell
Chris Crowell
20 Marzo 2024
Stopped in without a reservation during business hours and was able to taste all four varieties. Our host thoroughly explained the differences between the different types and explained why it is so difficult to identify really good olive oil without Knowing the history and actually testing the product. We thoroughly enjoyed our experience and bought several bottles/cans to take home for ourselves and gifts for friends/family.
Lucia de Ferrari
Lucia de Ferrari
23 Gennaio 2024
Il più professionale e pulito frantoio di tutta l'Umbria, personale gentilissimo e sempre disponibile, tanti prodotti degli agricoltori da comprare e un ottimo servizio di frantoio.
Antonella Cerabona
Antonella Cerabona
18 Ottobre 2023
"Non soltanto il vino canta, anche l’olio canta, vive in noi con la sua luce matura e tra i beni della terra io seleziono, olio, la tua inesauribile pace, la tua essenza verde, il tuo ricolmo tesoro che discende dalle sorgenti dell’ulivo." Mi avvalgo delle parole di Neruda per elogiare non solo l'Olio ma la Cooperativa Oleificio Pozzuolese. Accoglienza, cordialità e disponibilità sono i cardini di questa azienda, che offre oltre all'Olio di eccezionale qualità anche prodotti ricercati e caratteristici , come legumi, confetture, miele, vini e birre, tutti rigorosamente umbri. Un grazie particolare va ad Emanuele vero intenditore appassionato, gentile e professionale.
Sergio Minciaroni
Sergio Minciaroni
15 Ottobre 2023
Ottima atmosfera
joe nicholls
joe nicholls
3 Ottobre 2023
This was a great tour we took. We got to see how wonderfully the organic olive oil collective pressed and stored the oil. We also got to taste the various oils, as well. It was a great experience. Made me appreciate the olive oil we all use!
Rick Brown
Rick Brown
24 Settembre 2023
Good explanation of the oil making process and nice tasting with a good info on how to get the most of the tasting.

Together in Cooperation

From the ancient oil tradition of our lands all the fragrance and genuineness of a high quality Olive OIL produced in the hills of Lake Trasimeno (Umbria)

Five Things You Need To Know When Buying Olive Oil.

Extra virgin olive oil, a staple of the Mediterranean diet, gives an exquisite touch to foods, and has emerged as